You know those plans you make that you think are so well planned out, that everything will go smoothly? How often do those plans actually go smoothly for you?
We had our first event on Thursday in Denver at the Kirk of Highland (super cool place). So the plan was, kids and I would head to Denver day of the event and stay with some friends since Casey was working at the hospital Thursday and Friday. Our friends graciously agreed to watch our kids while I went to the event and poured wine. While packing up and getting ready, I quickly realized I was very unprepared! I had to run to the store to buy a tablecloth. Checked and double checked that I had all the things I thought I would need, then realized I should probably have some materials for people so help them connect with us, maybe some menus, stickers. I scrambled to get something put together for all of that. I was so proud of myself for thinking to bring a dolly to move my cases of wine, yet totally forgot a bucket for ice to chill my white and rosé wine. Definitely in need of a checklist!
The event itself was pretty fun. I’ll be honest, I didn’t sell as much wine as I was hoping, but I did get a lot of positive feedback on the wine, got to share my story, and get our name out. It was a good chance to get experience at an event that was smaller, before we do some larger events later this year… hopefully. Overall, I was feeling mixed about the whole experience. At the same time, I got to spend some time with our friends, we’d be back in time to have the tasting room up and running on Saturday and have a chance to make some new connections on Friday morning before heading home.
But then, it’s winter in Colorado. I looked at weather and quickly decided it wasn’t a good idea to drive home on Friday like planned. Extra day in Denver wouldn’t put us out, we’d just leave Saturday morning and be back in time to help Casey out with the tasting room once we opened for the day at 2. Checked weather and road conditions, decided to make a break for it around 10. After taking 3 hours to get to Silverthorne (a drive that should take half that) and noting that the highway was closed at least 3 times for car wrecks, we stopped for a late lunch and to reassess our life choices, well, my choices, obviously my kids were along for the ride. By then the highway was closed for weather and we chose to head back to Denver, leaving Casey to fend for himself one more day and man the tasting room by himself.
All of this reminds me that I am grateful for friends who not only welcome us into their home for one night, that turned into three, for others in the wine industry who are excited to welcome me at wine events, and for a husband who willingly holds down the fort while I’m gone. Praying the roads are clear and we can get back tomorrow without incident, so much for smooth plans.